# of watchers: 14
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| D20: 3 |
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2005-07-07 [BlackDragon]: Some say that by looking at how a cat sleeps (if its curled up or sleeps like my cat on the first pic), you can see how warm/cold it is in the room.. =)
2005-07-10 [Mystearica Grants]: i'm gonna have a second one, cuter and with special, none tampered with, style :P
2005-07-11 [Orouriel]: Hey cool they used my idea ^-^
2005-07-15 [Cassandrart]: Leara's rocks! :D
2005-07-15 [Leara]: My cat thinks she's a human sometimes, amongst thinking she's a variety of various non-feline animals. ^^;
2005-07-17 [Cassandrart]: lol mine thought it was a rabbit or a frog today. He's funny. He kept gnawing on my Harry Potter HBP and then when I didn't give it to him perched on my shoulder and sat there as if he was reading the book too. Oh I love cats....
2005-07-17 [Mokuba Chichiri]: My kittens got jealous of my HBP book while I was reading it because I did it for, like, a full day, so they kept sitting on top of it untill I took a break to give them some attention.
2005-07-20 [Leara]: *cough*Hades Fanclub*cough*
2005-07-20 [Hedda]: Cad Hades do a pose like ?
2005-07-20 [Hedda]: Note: Please upload the images to CatHug! Otherwise they might be gone when someone is looking at this competition in the future, and that would be sad and irritating.
2005-07-20 [Leara]: Probaly...I haven't uploaded some of the pics of her stretched out.
2005-07-20 [Leara]: Whats the entry limit?
2005-07-21 [Cassandrart]: 2. And your 2nd pic rocks even more! Weeee my kitty up there^^ :D I so wanna huggle Hades Leara!
2005-07-21 [Leara]: She bites. My arm is full of claw and teeth marks. >.>
2005-07-22 [Gengar]: Hey, that [sexi_pexi_kittie] deleted this page!
2005-07-22 [aine_1991]: why did she?
2005-07-22 [Leara]: Next time you want to fix a page, click 'view diff', it'll show whats been deleted, if its not there, click 'view previous', though there appears to be a line through everything, you can copy it all, and then paste back onto the wiki, and then you have it all back and without the lines you see on view diff.
2005-07-22 [Leara]: Its my duty. XD
2005-07-22 [Sekosen]: =)
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